HP Fisherman's Butty

HP Fisherman's Butty

We all have fond memories of HP Sauce on a bacon butty, but have you heard of a Fisherman’s Butty? It's a twist on the classic - sizzling bacon, seared scallops, and of course, a generous drizzle of HP Sauce. This rich, meaty roll will kickstart your day with the same hearty energy as our fishing fleets!
  • Time 25minutes
  • Serves 2
  • Difficulty Easy


2 Brioche rolls

6 Rashers streaky bacon

4 Large scallops

HP sauce

Unsalted butter


  1. Cook the bacon under a hot grill.
  2. Heat a non stick pan.
  3. Remove the roes and the muscles from the scallops and slice in half lengthways.
  4. Toast the buns under the grill.
  5. Lightly season the scallops with fine salt and cook on one side with a little rapeseed oil.
  6. Turn the scallops and then remove from the pan
  7. Butter the rolls, and then add the scallops and bacon, and finish with HP sauce.

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