Dill Cured Steelhead Trout

Dill Cured Steelhead Trout

Cured fish is regularly available in supermarkets but much cheaper to make at home (and makes a great activity!). If you like salmon, you’ll love Steelhead Trout, known for its firmer texture and slightly sweet, more delicate taste. This zesty and refreshing cured trout recipe makes a perfect addition to starters or a dinner party showstopper.
*Allow 48 hours for trout to cure in the refrigerator. 
  • Time 31minutes
  • Serves 4
  • Difficulty Average


500g Steelhead trout 

100g Fine salt 

200g Soft dark sugar

1tsp White pepper corns

1tsp Fennel seeds

Zest of 1 lemon

1 Bunch of dill (50g)

2 Tbsp English mustard 


  1. Spread the English mustard over the flesh side of the trout evenly
  2. Blend the peppercorns and fennel seeds, and then add the salt, sugar and lemon zest and combine
  3. Add the dill and blend until the mix is broken down and an even green in colour
  4. Spread the mix evenly over the trout and refrigerate for 48 hours
  5. After the trout is cured, rinse thoroughly under cold water to remove the cure
  6. Dry the trout and slice thinly to serve

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