How to Make Seafood Pancakes

How to Make Seafood Pancakes

Enjoy Pancake Day with a twist! Follow our foolproof recipe with one of our Founders, Robin, who shows you how to make seafood pancakes made with our sustainably pot-caught Fresh White Crab Meat. Perfect for those who have less of a sweet tooth, but still want to enjoy a delicious day!
  1. 00:00

    beautiful sweet crab meat, comte, buckwheat. Have a great pancake day.

  1. Buckwheat Pancake Mixture

    Make the pancake mixture by adding 75g buckwheat flour and 75g plain flour to a bowl, along with a pinch of salt. Pour in 375ml milk and 2 eggs and whisk together until smooth.

  2. Flipping the Pancake

    Grease the pan with a little olive oil. With a ladle, pour on the pancake mixture and tilt the pan side to side ensuring the mixture is evenly spread. Cook one side for a minute or two and then flip to cook the other side.

  3. Seafood Filling

    Whilst the pancake is still cooking, add the filling with a handful of comte cheese and our Fresh White Crab Meat, along with a sprinkle of chives and a splash of tabasco.

  4. Serving and Garnishing

    To serve, fold the bottom half of the pancake and then fold in the two sides to secure the filling. Place onto a plate and garnish with a final sprinkle of fresh chives and enjoy!

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